Our full-time staff is complemented by a range of associate seasoned sectoral experts. We take an interdisciplinary approach to bringing the most knowledgeable professionals to deliver high added value.


Olivier Levallois

Founder, Director & Principal Climate Finance Consultant

Olivier has been helping NGOs, climate funds & corporates navigating and benefiting from the compliance and voluntary carbon markets and climate finance since 2009.


Colin Green

Senior Consultant

Colin has a range of international experience in sustainability consulting, driving solar innovation, and facilitating carbon finance registration.


Francisco Macedo

Senior Consultant

Francisco has over 7 years of experience in strategy consulting and climate finance. He holds a double Master's Degree in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management from the Universities of Copenhagen and Padova, and a Master's in Corporate Sustainability from FIA Business School.


Dua Zehra


Dua has a background in Engineering and International Development, and supports the team with nature-based solutions, energy access and improved cooking practice projects around the world.

Guy Warren

Head of Advisory Services - Climate Change & Carbon Markets

Guy is a qualified lawyer, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, and the author of numerous research papers on forestry markets and investment trends.


Christophe Boyer

Senior Consultant

Christophe has degrees in Ecological Restoration and Forest & Conservation Sciences. He has worked on a number of conservation and restoration projects and is passionate about indigenous-led forest resource management.


Shevanti Nefdt


Shevanti has an extensive foundation in biology and ecology, as well as a strong environmental policy background. She has delivered HAMERKOP work in the field around the world.


Tatiana de Liedekerke


Tatiana has a background in Climate Change, Management, and Finance, as well as Political Studies. She is passionate about using carbon finance to improve the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems.


Michael Tye


Michael has degrees in economics and environmental management and supports international emission reduction projects related to renewable energy and afforestation. He specialises in biochar.


Hazel Herbst


Hazel holds a dual MSc in Global Change, Ecosystem Science and Policy from UCD, Ireland and JLU, Germany. She has extensive experience researching and measuring socio-ecological systems and restoration efforts and is passionate about community-led conservation.


Solène Kechavarzi

Associate Consultant

Solène holds a master's degree in Biodiversity and Conservation from UCL. Her research has focused on modeling ecosystem services and predicting the impacts of climate change.


Mikael Minten

Associate Consultant

Mikael holds a degree in Environmental and Ecological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh and has experience working with nature-based projects and performing GIS analyses around the world.

Maëna Raoux

Associate Consultant

Maëna holds an MSc in Climate Change, Management, and Finance from Imperial College London. She also has experience working as a Sustainability Analyst at a leading agency in Paris.


Kevin Sowdon

Business Manager


Paul Stouffer

Communication Officer

Paul is an MA/MEng student at University of the Arts London, where he is studying sustainable design on a global scale. He is passionate about combining art and science to improve public engagement with social and environmental issues.


Where We Work

90+ organisations served across 45 countries (and counting)


OUr Experience

Our experts are passionate about helping organisations with ambitious programmes. We have strong technical expertise and commercial focus.

Our experts have experience working at HAMERKOP with private project developers and commodity trading houses, public institutions (e.g. European Union, World Bank, AFD, SNV, GGGI), and NGOs (e.g. Practical Action, Clean Cooking Alliance, Oxfam International, Blue Ventures, IUCN).

We have a strong understanding of international regulations, sources of funding, innovative financing mechanisms, development issues and international organisation requirements. We follow international climate change negotiations and initiatives on a continuous basis to better inform our clients on their next steps. We care for our clients to take commercial advantages from their actions when relevant.


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